jueves, abril 13, 2006


What is wrong with these people?

My beloved wife.

You just walk in one of this places, a restaurant, and ask for some food. Nothing is a problem for this people, everything is OK, they will serve you their awsome portions. I mean, awsome portions. And the american way means that nobody will bother about your workabouts, if you do what you have to do. For instance, in the class, even if you don't get a thing of what is going on, for instance in the QM, or in E&M, you just have to calculate. The fact is "you just do it".

Well sometimes they should also do wath they need to ... and answer as about our question... whether she gets accepted and we can follow our dreams togheter...

Maybe this people is not wrong! I am wrong. I am not such a good economist as I though... GSU and Emory said NO...
Nada de pensar asi. Vamos a demostrarles del gran error que cometen.
Gabriel, oiga necesito hacerle unas pregunticas y contarle algo, pero no tengo su correo electrónico. Será que me puede escribir? mi dirección es memoriarepetida@yahoo.com

Espero que tenga tiempo de contestarme. Chao
Excellent, love it! Pre-owened honda accord ex
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